Blown Away In The Best Sense
I am blown away, in the best possible sense. Not a moment in the last 48 hours has been less than full, often full of everyone’s hard work and generosity in such abundance by people I hardly know and most I don’t know at all, that it has been totally overwhelming.
So, this will come in a random flurry as my energy returns and hours of footage and a mountain of images come gushing in.
We had a pop up cafe at 4am in the park, the cicada’s were dropping all around after seven years underground and seven days of life and love above, so many hard hats and boiler suits it was like an industrial catalogue fetishists dream and well of course there has been the boat.
To see 30 tonnes swinging over head on two webbing strapes suddenly seemed like a very bad idea and all the hard hats in the world will never cut that mustard.
And up on the highway cars must have suddenly noticed a massive fishing trawler float up besides, out of the dark sky, like they were in another place, like reality had shifted, which I guess this project is about in many respects – things that we know or think that we know suddenly changing and people organising around the giant events that make it so, this particular giant beast being a symbol of our water surrounded islands.
We are shaken every day, but some days it’s by our ability as people to shake from within.
Here are two videos by one of the lovely Art Lab Girls, Reiko Kondo. More to follow soon
Waiting for the boat to arrive by Reiko Kondo
After the boat has landed in the park by Reiko Kondo