Call to Action – 参加者/観覧者募集 Participants/Audience Wanted
来たる7月15日午前10時から行われるブラスト・セオリーのあいちトリエンナーレ出展作品「The Thing I’ll Be Doing For The Rest Of My Life」の撮影に参加してくださる方を募集しています。
We would like to invite you along on 15th July at 10am, to be involved in a very special part of the project by Blast Theory: The Thing I’ll Be Doing For The Rest Of My Life.
We are filming the whole process of moving the fishing boat from Toyohama to Nagoya and at 10am, we will all push the boat into its’ final position. There, a boy, will climb onto the deck of the boat and tell his story to everyone who has gathered.
The boat will be there for the Aichi Trienanale and you will be able to visit the boat and watch the film on a tablet.
Please come along if you can and bring others too, because we will need you all.
Time and date : Monday July 15th at 10am – 11am.
Location : the park near Wakamiya Odori crossing, Nagoya.